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Daily Writing Practice: Brilliant or Insane?

The idea of practicing writing every single day might seem daunting to some, while others might see it as a brilliant way to continually improve their skills. The debate over the benefits and drawbacks of daily writing practice has been ongoing for years, and as we enter a new era of digital communication and content creation, the discussion is more relevant than ever.

There are those who argue that daily writing practice is essential for anyone looking to develop their skills as a writer. They believe that the act of writing every day helps to keep the mind sharp, improves creativity, and strengthens one’s ability to express thoughts and ideas.

Furthermore, proponents of daily writing practice often point to the fact that professional writers typically have to write every day as part of their job. Whether they are working on a novel, freelance articles, or marketing content, writers are constantly facing deadlines and needing to produce quality work on a consistent basis. By developing a daily writing habit, aspiring writers can better prepare themselves for the demands of a career in writing.

On the other hand, there are those who argue that daily writing practice can be detrimental to one’s creativity and mental well-being. They believe that forcing oneself to write every day can lead to burnout and a lack of inspiration. Additionally, some critics argue that the pressure to write regularly can result in lower quality work, as writers may be more focused on meeting a quota rather than creating something meaningful.

Despite the differing opinions on the matter, it’s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to writing. Some writers thrive on the structure and discipline of daily practice, while others may find it stifling. It ultimately comes down to individual preferences and what works best for each writer.

In my opinion, daily writing practice can be beneficial if approached with a balance of discipline and flexibility. Setting aside time each day to write can help establish a routine and provide a dedicated space for creativity to flourish. However, it’s equally important to give oneself permission to take breaks and not feel guilty for skipping a day here and there.

Ultimately, the key to successful daily writing practice lies in finding a rhythm that works for the individual. Whether it’s 15 minutes or several hours each day, the most important thing is to write consistently and with purpose. As with any skill, improvement comes with practice, and writing is no different. So, while the debate over the pros and cons of daily writing practice may continue, one thing remains clear: the more you write, the more you grow as a writer.

The next session of Email365 starts this coming Monday, so I thought I’d resurface this episode of TBOA about the benefits of writing daily:

Daily Writing Practice: Brilliant or Insane? »

Talking Points

  • The difference between daily and weekly habits
  • How an email list is different from a blog
  • Why it’s important to respect privacy concerns in a community
  • Why journaling doesn’t count
  • How to write about the same thing every day without boring everyone
  • How often should you reply to your list
  • When to keep a rigid schedule and when not to

Quotable Quotes

“Writing daily is actually easier than writing weekly” — JS

“I wake up, I put on my pants, I brush my teeth, and I write. It’s just something I do every day.” — JS

“Thinking harder doesn’t solve everything.” — JS

“Someone who’s used to billing by the hour can start to feel like a supplicant. That is not where you want to be as an independent.” — RM

“Your idea gets better when more people share it and play with it and give you feedback.” — RM

“An email list is a closed community.” — RM

“When you write every day, your BS falls away.” — JS

“Text is where I play with my ideas.” — RM

Why Not You?

The idea of daily writing scares most people, but what if your ideal buyers looked forward to getting an email from you. every. single. day?

That’d probably be pretty good for business, right? Right… but how would you get started? You can start your daily publishing streak with Email365.

What is Email365?

Email365 is a 5-day interactive online workshop for busy professionals who want to build their authority fast.

Inside, you will get the instruction, guidance, and accountability you need to start building a daily habit that has the power to transform your business.

Registration for Email365 is open now, and folks from around the world are already connecting in the private Slack room. Lessons start on Monday, April 10th, so don’t wait.


I hope you’ll join us!


— J

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