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In the latest Newsbreak Update, we have some concerning news to share. It seems that the situation is not improving, as many had hoped. Despite the efforts of medical professionals and government officials, the spread of the virus continues to escalate, and the number of cases is reaching an alarming high. This is definitely not the news we were hoping for.

With the emergence of new variants, such as the Delta and Lambda variants, the virus has become even more contagious and difficult to contain. This has led to a spike in hospitalizations and deaths, putting a strain on healthcare systems around the world. The impact of this surge is not only felt by those who are directly affected by the virus, but also by their loved ones and the healthcare workers who are tirelessly working to provide care and support.

As a result of the worsening situation, many countries are implementing stricter measures to curb the spread of the virus. Lockdowns and travel restrictions are being reinstated, causing further disruptions to businesses and everyday life. This is a tough pill to swallow, especially for those who have been hoping for a return to normalcy.

The news is especially disheartening for those who have been eagerly awaiting a return to in-person gatherings and events. Concerts, sports games, and other large gatherings are once again being canceled or postponed, leaving many feeling disappointed and frustrated.

In light of these challenges, it’s important to remember that the fight against the virus is not over. We must continue to follow public health guidelines, get vaccinated, and take necessary precautions to protect ourselves and others. It’s also crucial for governments and health organizations to work together to ramp up vaccination efforts and provide support to those who have been most impacted by the pandemic.

While the news may not be what we wanted to hear, it’s important to remain hopeful and resilient in the face of adversity. Together, we can overcome these challenges and work towards a brighter and healthier future. Let’s continue to support each other and remain vigilant in our efforts to combat the virus. The road ahead may be tough, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Photo by Mikey Harris on Unsplash

Unfortunately, I believe Newsbreak is winding down. It was a good run, and it saved me over the summer. Alas, those things that seem too good to be true usually are.

When I started at Newsbreak in April, I really didn’t think I would see much money for a while. To my surprise, I ended up making over $900 the first month after I was monetized.

There have been some changes at Newsbreak in the last month. I can no longer write about gardening on a national level unless I somehow spin it to include my local area. The national stories I have written have resulted, I believe, in a shadow ban on my content. Now, when I write my normal content, those stories and the next few stories I write normally get less than 100 views and less than 1,000 impressions at best.

As you can see, my earnings tanked around the time that the changes happened at the end of September. I made just a little over $150 for the month of October. Sadly, my earnings are trending downward, and I don’t see them improving soon.

I did reach out to Newsbreak and was told that the bulk of my content was not local and that the “algorithm” would need time to reset. Now, I am frantically trying to delete my non-local content and recycle it to use on other platforms.

Newsbreak has a forum, and I’m hardly alone in this. Other creators on the platform are having similar issues. Going through the forum, every other post is about distribution or the lack thereof.

Consistency is my bread and butter. Since day one, I’ve posted at least one article a day, and I will continue to do so. So for now, Newsbreak will be relegated to the end of my to-do list for the day until I see better results.

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