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As we move further into 2021, the beauty industry continues to evolve with new trends and innovations. From skincare to makeup, the rising beauty trends of 2021 reflect a shift towards sustainability, inclusivity, and self-care. According to research by Traackr, a leading influencer marketing platform, here are three beauty trends that are gaining momentum this year:

1. Clean Beauty: Consumers are increasingly seeking out clean and sustainable beauty products that are free from harmful chemicals and toxins. This trend is driven by a growing awareness of the impact that conventional beauty products can have on both our bodies and the environment. Brands that prioritize clean and natural ingredients are gaining traction as consumers prioritize products that are not only effective but also safe and environmentally friendly.

2. Inclusive Beauty: The beauty industry has long been criticized for its lack of diversity and representation. In 2021, there is a significant push towards inclusivity, with more brands and influencers championing diversity in their products and campaigns. This trend is not just about offering a wider range of shades for different skin tones, but also about embracing diverse beauty standards and celebrating individuality. Inclusive beauty is about making everyone feel seen and represented in the beauty industry.

3. Self-Care Skincare: With the ongoing pandemic and increased stress levels, self-care has become more important than ever. This has translated into a growing interest in skincare products that not only address specific skin concerns but also promote overall well-being. From calming and soothing ingredients to products that offer a sensory experience, consumers are seeking out skincare that helps them relax and unwind. This trend is also reflected in the rise of skincare routines as a form of self-care and mindfulness.

These rising beauty trends reflect the changing priorities and values of consumers in 2021. As people become more conscious of the impact of their beauty choices on themselves and the world around them, the industry is responding with products and messages that align with these values. Whether it’s through clean and sustainable ingredients, inclusive representation, or promoting self-care, the beauty industry is evolving to meet the needs and desires of today’s consumers. With the support of influencers and social media, these trends are likely to continue their upward trajectory throughout the year.

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